Frigosystem-CoremaRequest A Quote
Columbus, OH | 614-601-8037
The DRY COOLERS have the advantage of being able to operate without water consumption eliminating all the typical problems of traditional cooling towers because the system works in closed circuit (no air-water contact), without losing control in efficiency. All DC systems can be included into existing systems and controlled by a new generation microprocessor that also allows the insertion of a modulating three-way valve on the system for further savings. As closed circuit systems, dry coolers deliver several benefits compared to wet cooling towers, including lower initial costs and maintenance (no tank to maintain), improved system reliability, and increased up time. Being equipped with an evaporative pre-cooling, dry coolers offer the efficiency which is, as for wet-type cooling towers, only limited by wet bulb temperature. In light of the above, the most significant factor in the choice between open-circuit cooling tower and dry cooler remains the system capacity. Continuous introduction of new efficient technologies such as microchannel heat exchangers, EC fans, intelligent controls, and others let consider dry coolers as an effective part of new environmental friendly thermal systems. As a summary, these are the advantages: